Monday, February 23, 2009

Mga Gamot sa Hapag

Opo! Simula po sa siping ito ihahain namin sa inyong Hapag ang mga gamot – mga pagkaing gamot. From now on make food your medicine.

1. APPLES Healing Powers:
· Can help lower the risk of heart disease
· Prevent constipation
· Control diabetes
· Prevent cancer

Much of an apple’s healing power is in the skin (rind) which contains large amount of a compound called quercetin (an antioxidant compound that can help prevent harmful oxygen molecules from damaging, individual cells). This can help prevent changes in the cells that can lead to cancer. Quercetin can inhibit the growth of tumors and also help prevent cancer cells from spreading.

Insoluble fiber found mostly in the skin (rind) has long been recommended for relieving constipation. It can help prevent diverticulosis (a condition in which small pouches are formed in the large intestines and also cancer of the colon). Plus, insoluble fiber is filling, which is why apples are such an excellent weight control food for people who want to lose weight without being hungry all the time.

The soluble fiber in apples forms a gel-like material in the digestive tract that helps lower cholesterol and the risk of heart disease and stroke. The soluble fiber called pectin appear to reduce the amount of cholesterol produce in the liver, providing double protection. Pectin slows the rise in blood sugar so it’s good for people with diabetes.

*Getting the most > Look for varieties that brown easily to reap the most health benefit. Don’t count on apple juice. By the time apples wind up as juice they have given up of their fiber and quercetin. Don’t use it as a substitute for the real thing.

From: The doctors book of: FOOD REMEDIES By: Selene Yeager 1998 Edition
For more information please call Tel no. 826-9768 the LC- PLSOL, LPC Unit

*In the next issue watch for the healing power of Asparagus.


What is the Balik-Handog Program?

The Balik-Handog Program in the Parish of the Last Supper of Our Lord which was started seven years ago, is a voluntary response from the parishioners to offer a fraction of our earnings to the church. This is an expression of thanksgiving for the favors and graces we received from God, who is the source of all the blessings we enjoy. The amount depends upon the capacity the giver. Any amount is welcome! It is important that contribution shall be given cheerfully and shall be done regularly. The money received from the Balik-Handog program is being used to:
· Support the programs and activities of the different ministries and organizations.
Eventually fund-raising and other forms of solicitations will be minimized if not avoided.

· Finance and maintain the security of all church properties

· Maintain the Parish Formation Center

· Maintain the buildings and equipments

Everything we have is a blessing (gifts) from God. All our resources and facilities are gift from His Divine Providence. We are not owners of these things. We are only caretakers.

Therefore, it is important for us to realize that:
· Only God owns everything in this world
· Men are only “caretaker” of all His belongings
· Without God’s help man won’t find his real wealth
· We have to instill on us the value of generosity a chance to share, love, help and serve the needs of everyone in the parish

Your gift through Balik-Handog is most appreciated as the parish works diligently to meet its expenses and maintain itself supporting status. As parishioners, we are encouraged to give back a portion of what God has given us.

We would like to express our deepest gratitude for your generosity in answering to the different projects of the Balik-Handog Program. To support the program we are happy to relay to you where your share went.

· Completion of new Adoration Chapel (Partial)
· Painting of the Church (Partial)
· Repair of Convent from leaks
· Repair of the Formation Center
· Repair of Sacristy and Comfort rooms
· Additional lighting installation in the Paris h Church
· Parish ground improvement (fence)
· Replaced new projector’s LCD
· Purchased Electric drill and Edger
· Built working area for parish ministries
· Construction of new septic tank
· Bought new clothing for the “Last Supper” and Sto Intiero Carosa (Material & labor)
· Water proofing of the Formation Center (Partial)
· Maintenance/cleaning of 12 units air-conditioner
· Repainting of the 2nd floor of the Formation Center
· Rehabilitation of comfort rooms
· Building of ramp for the elderly & handicapped parishioners
· Building of the new Audio Room
· Installation of glass partition (choir’s place in the church)
· Installation of the railings by the Adoration chapel
· Repair of room to be used as Meeting Room
· Repair of Sewer pipes and drainage
· Purchased Mono block tables and chairs
· Purchased of new Air-conditioning units

· Other Balik Handog Expenses:
1. Christmas Giveaways –T-shirts & 65 sacks of rice
2. Supplies/Miscellaneous

Again, Thank You so much and we hope for your unchanging support and generosity for the next projects of the Balik Handog which will continue as long as we stand as a community of the Parish of the Last Supper of Our Lord.

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